mercredi 6 octobre 2010

Delete: The virtue of forgetting in the Digital Age by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

The digital memory is the storage of information on a digital support. It means that this information is stored forever and is easily accessible. According to Viktor Mayer-Schönberger (VMS), digital memory represents a real danger in our society. He is giving us the example of two persons that have been life affected because of the digital memory. Stacy who has been stroke off the faculty because of showing under eighteen girl drinking on her MySpace profile and Andrew who has been banned from the USA for taking drugs forty years ago. VMS is leaning on those two examples to explain that the digital memory is distorting the vision that people get on each other. The importance and the longevity of the digital memory storage make people able to know or remind information that a human being must has not be able to do a few years ago.

VMS is talking about six potential solutions to avoid an abusive use of the digital memory. Fortification of privacy rights, to forbid revelation of information without the agreement of the concerned person. Information ecology, which means, prevents the storage of some kind of data. Digital abstinence, people stop using internet by themselves, to avoid personal information storage. Change our way to make decisions (Cognitive adjustment) and finally, introduce a worldwide digital rights management to control everything in a right way.

According to me, the best way to avoid this problem should be warning people to make them aware of the danger. But it’s not enough to achieve one’s aims because, even if there are preventive actions on TV or on the internet, one person can involve many others and so even if someone is totally aware of the way to use internet, he could be caught up by the digital memory. As VMS concluded, the key is maybe to mix the different solutions.

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